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Water transport


  • Act No.114/1995 CollColl. on Inland Navigation, as amended (here)
  • Act No.254/2001 CollColl. on Water and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Water Act) (here)

Government Regulations and Decrees (Sub-legislation)

  • Decree No356/2009 CollColl. on Information Recorded in the River Information Services, as amended (here)
  • Decree No.138/2000 Coll. of the Ministry of Transport and Communications on radiotelephone traffic on inland waterways (here)
  • Decree No.67/2015 CollColl. on Rules of Navigation Operation (Navigation Operation Rules) (here)
  • Decree No.334/2015Coll. on the Maintenance of the Register of Small Vessels and the Technical Competence of Small Vessels, Ferry Boats and Floating Equipment for Operation on Waterways (here)