About C-ITS systems

Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) are based on data exchange not only between vehicles themselves but also between vehicles and stationary devices on transport infrastructure. C-ITS stations use the short range WiFi based communication or communication within mobile networks. C-ITS play a major role in the area of road transport in order to increase safety and smoothness of traffic flow and represent one of the pillars of the pathway towards fully the automated driving.

Modern vehicles generate significant amount of data while driving. The basic idea of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) is to use the data and secure transmit messages related to current traffic situation either between vehicles themselves (V2V communication) or between vehicles and relevant equipment deployed on road infrastructure (V2I communication), thus to cooperate with each other. This cooperation is the fastest way to pass the information to driver quickly, reliably and clearly both before and while driving.
“Sharing the information between vehicles themselves and between vehicles and infrastructure allows safer, more effective and more sustainable transport.”

Cooperative ITS provide drivers with the information related to current road traffic situation, help improve traffic monitoring, drivers’ foresight and make a significant contribution to traffic flow smoothness  and decrease the number of traffic accidents, especially the serious ones. Receiving of the exact information in time is the utterly essential prerequisite for driver to be promptly aware of the traffic situation and to concentrate on possible serious problem.

Thanks to C-ITS, traffic management and information centres can receive exact and comprehensive information related to current traffic situation directly from vehicles which allows to manage traffic flow efficiently and quickly in order to increase safety and smoothness of traffic flow and reduce negative environmental impact.

The undeniable benefit of C-ITS is warning the drivers while driving in reduced visibility (fog, snow, heavy rain etc.), as well as traffic accident or traffic jam ahead warnings as well as slow and stationary vehicle warnings.

Communication and mutual interaction is the key for increased safety in road transport which is one of the priorities of the Czech Republic. If drivers receive relevant and timely information on current situation ahead, it prevents a lot of traffic accidents and saves human lives. Cooperative ITS are also one the cornerstones for development of (fully) automated driving.

C-ITS potential for increasing road safety:

  • prevent from dangerous situations
  • provide timely warnings
  • ensure traffic flow smoothness


Expected benefits of C-ITS:

  • cost reduction on emergency service call outs
  • cost reduction on medical treatment related to traffic accident
  • cost reduction on injuries treatment caused by traffic accident
  • cost reduction on sick pay during incapacity for work
  • reduction of cases where people cannot perform their previous work as usual due to permanent disability caused by traffic accident
  • reduction of air pollution thanks to smooth traffic flow

Below, there is the link to TENtec interactive map browser, which is managed by the European Commission (DG MOVE) and which shows the deployment of C-ITS units on road infrastructure in the European Union:
TENtec interactive map browser

C-ITS in Czech Republic

In 2013, there was the pilot testing of communication system between vehicles and equipment deployed on Prague ring road within BaSIC project  commissioned by Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and funded by Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Experts from INTENS Corporation, Czech Technical University in Prague and Road and Motorway Directorate were involved in this project. The main objective was to provide current information from traffic information devices (variable traffic signs) and road line traffic control portals directly into vehicle which was equipped with the antenna and dedicated control unit. It was actually the initial step towards the idea of C-ITS, the initial action towards C-ITS infrastructure that has been developed as of today.

Ensuring the smart cross-border mobility is the main objective of the European Union and activities leading this objective are basis for the pan-European use of cooperative systems. Technologies for C-ITS have been developed within many European research and scientific projects and have been verified in various pilot tests across Europe. One of these projects is C-Roads Czech Republic which is focused on deployment and verification of C-ITS on roads, selected railway level crossings and in public transport vehicles.